Friday 24 April 2009


Today was my last day at the barnehage! The week really has gone very fast;-) We didn't really do much today, we stayed inside and played with HAMA beads ( I made one too, of a peace sign<3)
Then, it was lunch. Today was a "warm lunch" day, so the kids got carrot salad, potatoes and fish cake. Today was the birthday of this girl Emily, so her parents brought cake and waffles for everybody! It was her 5th Birthday. After that was going-outside time as usual, and so I just pushed the swings again. Soon it became time for me to go home, so I said goodbye to all the teachers and students, and left....
It was really fun spending time at the Barenhage for 5 days. It was very tiring on the 1st day, but I got used to the work quickly:-P I probably got more muscles on my arms from pushing the swings all day, and I can probably speak more Norwegian now, cuz I was speaking it all day. But... I did miss school sometimes (the people, I mean, not the studying XD), cuz here I had to act responsible and adult-ish, but at school I can just be a kid and speak English all the time <----- I missed speaking english!!!! Still, working at a barnehage was really fun, and the kids really adored me<3
:-) And that's my last workweek.....

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