Wednesday 22 April 2009

Day 3 @ Barnehage

Today was my 3rd day @ Midtbyen Barnehage. Today was also a lekegrupper day, but I was with the 2 & 3 year olds today ( the "Tøffinger" group). We sang kid's songs for about half an hour. Those kids have SUCH a good voice, and they were so cute trying to sing along to the teacher. I also tried to sing, but I couldn't, cuz I didn't know any of them.... like the "Baa Baa Lille Lamb" song. But I DID know how to do the hokey-pokey ("boogie-boogie") and the "Head, shoulders knees and toes" dance! I had to clean up the dining hall after Lunch because nobody else was doing it, and that was kind of gross, because the kids make such a mess. After that, I went outside to play with the kids. Today, they wanted me to lift them up to the highest branch on this tree and hold them while they sat on it. They kept on asking if I had a boyfriend(<---???) and they didn't believe it when I said *no*, because "All the big people have boyfriends/girlfriends". LOL!;-9 And then I spent the last hour pushing kids on the tire swings. They love me cuz I get them up really high, and didn't want me to go home (sorry, it hurts!) They even made me a song: "Marie's so fun to be with, she can get us really high on the swings, I wish she'd stay here!" Awwwww<3<3<3<3<3 I love them...!

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