Monday, 20 April 2009

My first day in zoo xD

The first day in valentinlys zoo was not to bad. I first started with giving the animals food and fresh waster. When I was finally done with that I was moved over to wash and change the water in aquarium. There was over 40 of them in a over 3 meter tall shelf. First I had to take out 1/3 of water sametime as I suck the poop out of the aquarium by using a tube. Then when I was done I had to use over half hour or more to fill them up with fresh water.
We also got 6 new baby birds from other people who could not keep them. They were cute.

on holiday some guys destroyed the windows. So we had to take out everything from the shelf and had take out the broken window. None of us didn't know how to fix a window.

The boss said she have many more suprises tomorrow. I just not hope it's cleaning the cages.

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