Thursday 30 April 2009

Day 3

I could not come because of problems I had.

Day 4

It was actually the same as day 2, but I were sitting with kids and learning them english. I were showing pictures and they had to guess what is it in english and if they guessed I had given them a pen as a premie.

Day 5

Me and one teacher were taking loads of toys and cloth etc. from a little run. I had to carry very big bags up and go around the house. We were getting ready to make loppemarked for raising money to the school. I did wear loads of bags etc. and the day actually were the same. Just play with kids and all this kinda of stuff. At end we had to sing song yo a boy and we ate jelly and I got present and I did say bye to everyone and gone. I did enjoy the workweek. Because I worked with kids,outside,inside etc.


Tuesday 28 April 2009

My last day in Valentinlys zoo

This is my last day in Valentinlys pet store.
It was very quiet than other days.
It was very nice weather and the wind was perfect.
I gave the birds new food and water as usually.
Then the boss came to me and said "you can go home now if you want" It was only 10:30 am. Only 1 and half our was passed. But Since I worked to effectively I finished 1weeks work in 3 days.
I asked her if there were no more works to do but she insisted.
She wanted to give me a gift card, but the machine didn't work so I got loads of bird equipment, so my birds was happy xD

I think it was very exciting and educative to work at that pet store. I really enjoyed.
She also wondered if I could work again next week.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Well done Leo and Marie!

Great blog entries - very entertaining, reflective and insightful...

Also some great things from Kevin and Akhmad - although would be great if you finished them!

See you in class tomorrow.... :)

Friday 24 April 2009

A blast with Year 2!

Aight, so me knows I was supposed to write every day, but since I got myself the new Splinter Cell I thought to leave it for the end of the week for a longer sum-up! So here it goes:

This week, was probably one of the most educational weeks of my life embarrassingly enough... We've done all sorts of reading, some better than others, which resulted me having to sit there for 45 min. while trying to make him / her figure out how to put the letters in order so "Knife" won't be pronounced KNIFE in Norwegian pronounciation. I realize that being a teacher is damn hard work, as well I know realized I shall never become one! Maths, oooh yes the maths how fun was that, 'eh? Suddenly Mrs. Solbakken (class teacher) announced that maths was next. I just felt my heart beating so hard! "What if I can't do the maths, what if, what if" me thought. Of course they were only doing adding and subtracting, but it was tricky to teach as I was not able to teach... Ironically enough I looked at myself as a good teacher before this week, but it turned out alright when I realized three days later there was a teachers guide in the back of the books... Mrs. Agersborg came by to have Norwegian with us as well! For those whom do not know her, she was my Norwegian teacher many years ago, time has slipped by too fast. Mrs. Agersborg was still the same good old her, fun, angry, moody, kind and the top of the cake, gave no homework through the weekends. Mr. Sunde is also back in shape. Being a teacher as you might know gives some badass authority. It felt nice to finally get my turn to sit on the comfortable bench while the rest during the assembly had to squeeze in tiny spaces on horrible, back killing, blue plastic pillows. Aaah, yes I had recess duty too. I didn't know people could cry, argue, hit, bite and take each others hats that much in a week. Poor kids got some nasty knocks, and I totally kicked the year two's rear end in football(proud)!!! It felt good to get to wear the cool orange reflexes, go out to the field and chat with my comrades, and occasionally fool around with the little ones. Mats and all the rest of year eight which are coming to us next year, were also there, blasting my students' faces off with the ball. I got to take the ball from him and put it inside, while they had to play with stones on the ground, hahahahah, while I sat and drank my Fanta. Isn't life fair!

Now the children were the most awesome kids at that age I had ever met except for my class at that age. The little ones as I hoped and expected of myself really did like me. And for some reason they kept pulling down my pants...
Very cuddly the lot of them! I'd come in the morning and some of them would start to whisper something odd and then they all went: "Good morning Mr. Bazyar!!". I had to stay "professional" that week, so I had to become Mr. Bazyar, while I preferred Mr. B. Some of them were faking undone work to have me sit next to them and help 'em out, touching indeed. Anyone know the name "Brattbakk"? Well I know his daughter, that's right! Was fortunate enough to meet the lot of those fokes. Not that I look differently at my ex-students. They had a kiss game too, me of course was too shyyy, so I kept out of that one. Poor lads they never knew what hit them. I am probably in a teaching career being the funny teacher, silly and not. Had to jump ropes, but their hands and lengths are so little I had to get down on all four and jump rope like in the movies! Not easy I can tell yeh. I certainly heard, "My dog ate it" a few times! Hihi, I tipsed them to better ones such as; "I couldn't do it because of my dentist appointment". Or such. Heh, in the end I got in troubble. I had **ckloads of fun with them and I hope that they agree with me.

To sum it up working as a teacher has it's ups and downs. I'm sitting here listening to the still annoying "Memory" and "Butterlfies" along with the ever so painful "Pokerface" while admitting I'm gonna miss the students and Birralee. You get involved as a teacher there is a certain connection to some or all, which ye can't explain. Since they were so good to me that's probably why in my case, so there's the answer to all you teachers whom totally disagree with me! A killer week, and I'm sure all you guys have had too? Because you forgot to tell us properly... I really don't want to stop writing because it brings back the good memories, but I guess I have to so you guys can go enjoy your memories.
As for me, thank you Birralee for the wonderful two workweeks I've had, thank you the ones that could be arsed to read this, and thank you Year 2 for making my days enjoyable. Me is off to see Hercule Poirot now, have a jolly work experience in life!

- Mr. Bazyar

P.S. If you see a spelling mistake, know I'm yet not a teacher and I still have a long way to go. In your face Marie and Kathrine!!!!-----> <3<3<3


Today was my last day at the barnehage! The week really has gone very fast;-) We didn't really do much today, we stayed inside and played with HAMA beads ( I made one too, of a peace sign<3)
Then, it was lunch. Today was a "warm lunch" day, so the kids got carrot salad, potatoes and fish cake. Today was the birthday of this girl Emily, so her parents brought cake and waffles for everybody! It was her 5th Birthday. After that was going-outside time as usual, and so I just pushed the swings again. Soon it became time for me to go home, so I said goodbye to all the teachers and students, and left....
It was really fun spending time at the Barenhage for 5 days. It was very tiring on the 1st day, but I got used to the work quickly:-P I probably got more muscles on my arms from pushing the swings all day, and I can probably speak more Norwegian now, cuz I was speaking it all day. But... I did miss school sometimes (the people, I mean, not the studying XD), cuz here I had to act responsible and adult-ish, but at school I can just be a kid and speak English all the time <----- I missed speaking english!!!! Still, working at a barnehage was really fun, and the kids really adored me<3
:-) And that's my last workweek.....

End of the Week

Hi everyone,

Well done to those of you who have been writing on the blog - it has been great to read your entries - sounds like you have been having A LOT of fun! I have also heard some good things from Mr Oddvik - so congratulations!

If you have not written on your blog this week, then you have some catching up to do over the weekend... I am expecting complete blogs from everyone - it goes towards your English grade!

Also, don't forget to bring in your completed reports from your employers on Monday morning.

Have a great weekend :)

Thursday 23 April 2009

Day 4 @ Barnehage

I can't believe the week's gone so fast! Today was my second to last day at the Barnehage. In the morning, I hung with these 2 girls and made them a bunny and a cat out of play dough. I think I did a pretty good job, because I stink most of the time. Then, from 10 :30, it was Choir time! The oldest kids in the barnehage "Gulgruppen" are going to walk in this procession at Nidarosdomen next week, so they needed to practice some religious songs. The kids have a REALLY great voice, I amazed everytime I hear them sing... (0.0) At lunch, I was trying to make the Kaviar from the tube come out, but then the end of the tube brok and I got Kaviar all over my jeans...
But then, when I was taking a break today, the other teachers threw a surprise party for this teacher Elise, who's worked at the Barnehage for 25 years. We all got cake, and she got flowers and a reisegavekort for 6000 kr! wow... The cake was really good too<3 Tomorrow is my last day. Then, it'll be back to school... yayyy? :-P
PS. I met Leo at Birralee today! He says he's doing a good job , but people say otherwise... XD

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Day 3 in Zoo

Today I brought my pet bird to the work. I already told the boss about it yestarday, so it was no suprise. There were only male cockatiel in shop, so when a female cockatiel showed up they was insane. I didn't put her inside because I was worried if the male birds would hurt her so I just put her on a branch where everyone could see her. Anyway.
The wares arrived today morning. So we had something to do.
After 4-5 hours, me and my boss managed to tide them up. Well mostly. It was some heavy sack of food for dogs and cats, so it was quite a challenge. I did sweat alot.

After all that work I was very tired. I threw my self onto the bags of dog foods. Boss laughted.
I was glad that I didn't do any "dirty jobs". No cleaning :D hurray.

I also lost my wallet so I couldn't buy anything to eat. Luckly I had some stuff with me from home.

I think today was the hardest day so far. But my boss sais she does it everyweek because they orders new wares every single week.
I felt a bit ashamed xD

Day 3 @ Barnehage

Today was my 3rd day @ Midtbyen Barnehage. Today was also a lekegrupper day, but I was with the 2 & 3 year olds today ( the "Tøffinger" group). We sang kid's songs for about half an hour. Those kids have SUCH a good voice, and they were so cute trying to sing along to the teacher. I also tried to sing, but I couldn't, cuz I didn't know any of them.... like the "Baa Baa Lille Lamb" song. But I DID know how to do the hokey-pokey ("boogie-boogie") and the "Head, shoulders knees and toes" dance! I had to clean up the dining hall after Lunch because nobody else was doing it, and that was kind of gross, because the kids make such a mess. After that, I went outside to play with the kids. Today, they wanted me to lift them up to the highest branch on this tree and hold them while they sat on it. They kept on asking if I had a boyfriend(<---???) and they didn't believe it when I said *no*, because "All the big people have boyfriends/girlfriends". LOL!;-9 And then I spent the last hour pushing kids on the tire swings. They love me cuz I get them up really high, and didn't want me to go home (sorry, it hurts!) They even made me a song: "Marie's so fun to be with, she can get us really high on the swings, I wish she'd stay here!" Awwwww<3<3<3<3<3 I love them...!

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Day 2 @ Barnehage

Today was the 2nd day @ Midtbyen Barnehage! I think I saw Leo on my way there and I was going to talk to him, but that guy just turned a corner, so I decided not to. Today was the lekegrupper day, where the kids spit into age groups to do various activities. I worked with the gulgruppen, a group of 5-6 year old kids. Today they worked on writing there names and the date, and making various swirls on their worksheet. It was really cute to see them try so hard to write their names, and it was VERY cute when they asked me for help to write the number 4. After an hour and a half, it became lunchtime. After lunch, everybody went outside to play, and so I went outside to join them. They constantly asked me to lift them up onto these bars so they can hang from it. After about........ hmmm..... 30+ times of lifting kids that weighed 20 kg, I could FEEL my muscles aching. Lucky for me, I got to take my 30 min. break then! I go up to the pause-room and relax for 30 min. w/ the other teachers. It's nice to take a break, but I can't really join their gossip about the other caretakers & their lives, and their discussion about teens thinking only about sex all the time ( It was AWKWARD to be there!!!) After the break, I spent the last hour pushing kids on the tire swings.
My arms are aching ALOT now... but I seem to be getting better @ Norwegian, cuz that's all I speak there. Great;-)

Day 2 at zoo

As usually I was there before any other. I missed the first bus so I had to take my bike. It went faster than I thought. The door was closed. The store was inside a another building with 3 doors so if I came to early I had to wait. But It seems to be some people already knows who I am and what I'm doing there. They usually ignor people who knocks on the window before opening time.
But it seems to be my boss has already told them about me.

There are normally 2 persons working each day. They all shows up in different time.
She had a list of things I can do in this week, but she found I already did them yestarday. She was impressed.
So I had nothing special to do in the morning. I was quite tired so it was just good for me. Except from building a cat manor. We had some problems with fitting in the holes, but it went quite well. I was quite tired so it was just good for me.

12.00 another employ showed up. And she knew what I DIDN'T do yestarday. I had to wash the pumps inside of the aquarium. It was full of sh**. I managed only to wash 5 pumps today. It was not so hard, but I just felt a bit weak today. I'm planning to finish all of them tomorrow.
We was suppose to get new water plants and fishes, but they didn't show up.

I also had to put some pig tails, meat stick and other different dog food in package so that custumers don't have to use their hand and let it smell bacon all day long. I had gloves of course.

Well, I was glad when the day was over, but tomorrow I bet I got lots of things to do.
35 more pumps to go.

ahmad dobule G

ahmad dobule G
ahmad dobule G Ahmad in Stavset tospråkelig barnehage.

Day 1

I did wake up very early and I were trying to find the barnehaga in 40 minnutes. I did go around all Stavset. I were asking almost everyone, but they didn't knew, but at end I found it because I did use map and were consentrated on it. When I came to barnehage, I seen a elg. He were little and he gone away from me. I did come inside barnehage and did intruduce me and I shaked my hand to everyone and told my name. Then I were trying to get along with kids. I did introduce me and started to play with them sudenly and I almost got friends with all kids and teachers. Everyone were kind there and happy. I did play with kids and were telling them loads of things. Solving conflicts by them and were looking for them. The kids were really funny and intiresting. Won't tell all funny things. I did make food a bit to childrens etc. I did enjoy it and It was way better then our boring school. ( no offence ). The teachers were cool and nice people. I got friend with all.

Day 2

I almost came late to job, but I did not come late. I started to play with kids and do loads of things and help them giving food etc. When we all gone outside I were cleaning the whole school gard from leaves and rubish etc. Then I did plant a tree and took diffence. Also made garden with flowers with one man who is from Irland republic. He was really cool,funny and chill homie. I and he we were cleaning all garden and made a little flower garden + planted tree. We did it and we were talking at same time about intiresting things. We did graving a lot to.I did enjoy the day very much. I wished I were working there for a month,because its way better then school. Because its fun to help, solve their conflict and explain about things to kids and the kids were funny. Also The teachers etc. were really nice people and fun + nice to work with. At end the kids did not want me to go O.o I really like that job and the kids are really cool to work with.

By AHMAD !!!

Monday 20 April 2009

My first day in zoo xD

The first day in valentinlys zoo was not to bad. I first started with giving the animals food and fresh waster. When I was finally done with that I was moved over to wash and change the water in aquarium. There was over 40 of them in a over 3 meter tall shelf. First I had to take out 1/3 of water sametime as I suck the poop out of the aquarium by using a tube. Then when I was done I had to use over half hour or more to fill them up with fresh water.
We also got 6 new baby birds from other people who could not keep them. They were cute.

on holiday some guys destroyed the windows. So we had to take out everything from the shelf and had take out the broken window. None of us didn't know how to fix a window.

The boss said she have many more suprises tomorrow. I just not hope it's cleaning the cages.

First Day @ Midbyen Barnehage

Today was my first day at Midbyen Barnehage! I couldn't find the way in and was looking around the area for 10 minutes or so, until I found out that the door I found in the beginning could be unlocked.....:-P Oops! The building was very nice, and it looked quite old, probably from the 1800s-1900s ( I found a sign that said "Midtbyen Barnehage 1887-1987"or something). Maybe some rich folks lived there before? Anyway, today was Monday, which meant that we were going to spend the whole day outside, playing. I couldn't really find anything that I could do, so I just hung around with the kids. They were all so cute... and tiny! :-D They sort of took advantage of me because I didn't know anything, and so they made me join their random games and they poured sand over my hair (not nice...) I worked from 9 to 2:30, with a lunch break and a 15 minute break. It was really intresting for me to see how Norwegian Barnehages work. Basically, everyone plays around (usually outside) all the time. I went to a Japanese Barnehage , and there you only got an hour or two of outside playing time, and we usually did "fun", educational activities inside. We also had a uniform.... so there's a lot of freedom for kids here, but it's really tiring for the teachers! They're so high energy.....
Tomorrow Then!

JC and Marie - IGCSE English

Hi JC and Marie,

If you are planning to take IGCSE English then please make sure that you complete your Work Experience blog as fully as possible because it will become one of your 3 graded pieces for the exam.

Bye for now!

Thursday 16 April 2009

Work Week 2009

Hi everyone, I enjoyed reading your first posts - v interesting! Just to remind you to keep going with this over the week - and don't forget to get your reports signed... Your last opportunity for work experience before the big wide world of VGS - enjoy!

Wednesday 15 April 2009

my name is Ayoub, and I'm maybe working in a restaurant for workweek. :F:F:F:F:F:F:F:F:F:F:F

Expectations work week

Next week is work week. And I am going to work on Byåsen kirke barnehage. I think that will be great because my sister goes there so I know a lot of the people who goes there. So I think that will be fun. But I would never work in work in a kindergarden when I grow up.
Kathrine :-)

Expectations Next Week

Hah, my expectations are that the children will like me and that I'll do a good job.
If I don't I'll be extremely ashamed of myself because I love children!:D Hope they will
think that I am fun, especially with my mustache and my beard.

If I were to pick, I'd go for acting. In any form as long as it's fun and fair to good pay. If not that a Mechanical Engineer sounds cool as I've been looking at the profession for a while. If not that I'll be a taxi driver.

- Leo

- Leo


It's almost WORK WEEK! :-) Me, or Marie, is going to go work for a week at Midtbyen Barnehage (Kindergarden!) I've never been in a Norwegian Barnehage before, so I'm pretty excited about working in one! Since it's work with kids, I'm expecting that it'll be pretty fun XD But I can't really speak Norwegian, so I'm a lil bit worried about if I'd understand what the kids want or if they underdstand me... But, I think everything will go fine! B)
Still, even though it seems like fun, I do NOT want to be working in a Kindergarden in the future, full-time. Working with kids isn't really my dream, and I'm sure I'd get really exhausted in a month or so. I have other stuff I want to be doing ;-)
So I guess I'll write again on Monday!


rompa mi

jeg heter ape , og jeg skal jobbe på...


My name is JC. For workweek, I'll be working at the music school, TKMK. I do not know what tasks I will be set to do there, but I'm sure I'll have a great time, as I am very interested in working with music, and of course listening to it. I hope I'll learn something new, not only in the field of piano and classical, but also modern music, the individual instruments, and composing.
However, in the future I wish to work with medicine, and study in Gdansk, Poland, at the medical institute there.


My name is Ahmad. For workweek , I'll be working in Trøndelag teater or NTNU. I am very exited because I like jobs when you will present, invent. I hope I will enjoy there and if I won't enjoy. I will still work because I have to learn to work, teamwork, learn to be adult and be more responsible. Most important thing is that I survive experience and learn how things work in the society.

By Ahmad Alibekov.

Tuesday 14 April 2009


Welcome to Y10 Birralee Blog!

Next week you will have your work week. The idea of this blog is for you to share your experiences next week on this blog. You have by now all received an invitation to read and write entries for this blog. Further instructions will be given by Mr. Oddvik and Mrs. Jones in class.

Mr. Oddvik